Friday 8 November 2013

Brazilian beef loin ribs with potatoes, rice and beans: Costela de gado com batatinha, arroz e feijao

Cooked beef loin ribs
My absolute favourite among meat cuts are beef loin ribs, I love them either soft just falling off the bone - cooked in our pressure cooker
with potatoes and tomatoes, but also crunchy - grilled on our stove-top barbecue pan after being bathed in a mix of soy oil, garlic, salt, vinegar and corante powder.

Today we had our costelinha cooked in our pressure cooker with potatoes, tomatoes, (no oil as the loin ribs already have a high amount of natural fats), corante powder, salt, garlic, a bit of black pepper powder and fresh parsley/coriander. We had it with our dear couple `feijao com arroz` (beans with rice) and our before freshly(-plugged) made acerola juice (go to Acerola Juice recipe.).

Fresh acerola juice
(By the way, Luke is still busy eating the costela bone that we gave him after we finished our dinner.

With the rest of the bones, I am going to make a traditional German Markklösschensuppe (Beef Marrow Dumpling Soup), just as my grandmother did when I was a child... it will be my first try, so I am already pretty excited to get started ;)

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